A unique program in terms of approach, retreat locations, and focus on strategic capabilities.
The Institute is a unique and highly compelling executive development experience focused on professional and personal growth, skills development and problem solving in the realm of strategy, management and execution. Most importantly, the program will help solve a current organizational challenge for each attendee.
SMI believes that real-world professional development requires time and is most effective when conducted with an intellectually stimulating peer group. The program is structured around a small cohort group that remains together for the entire duration.
Each member receives individual support in analyzing their organizational challenges, defining their professional growth goals, and identifying their learning needs. Skills are provided in a tailored learning approach. Each retreat focuses on member case studies, and the overall program is structured to allow members to progress to drive toward implementable solutions.
The Institute experience focuses on assembling cohort members who are uniquely able to assist each other, to collectively analyze and solve problems, and to become long-term professional friendships.